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Ovidiu Bufnilă

Ovidiu Bufnila was born and lives in Romania. His novel Jazzonia was awarded as the best Romanian SF Novel. He received the award for the best Romanian SF Story, Mandhalafor excellence in Romanian SF and the Sigma Award for the best Romanian SF Novel, Moreaugarin’s Crusade. He received the annual Clouds Magazine Award (USA). He was honored for his essays about modern war strategy and philosophy (USA). He received an award for Kumango Scenario from the Publisher Vivian (USA).


Waved Wonderful World!

Waved Wonderful World! Yep! Gucci Gambino a venit la mine aseară. Tot foc și pară. Primarul Elefterie era hotărât să dărâme Turnul Fierarilor. Aglaia Protopopescu scrisese un articol-revolver în Foaia Municipală împotriva lui Elefterie, dar cum era vremea vacanțelor, cititorii n-au reacționat în nici un fel visându-se pe croazzetă. Bloggării din Cartierul de Vest, preocupați […]Citește...

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